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In 1929 the Italian architect Alessandro Limongelli, designed and built the Pavilion of the “Governatorato di Roma” for the Trade Fair in Tripoli, opening on the 7 of April of the same year. He had previously designed and built in 1928 for the second Trade Fair in Tripoli “L’Arco di Trionfo e la Tribuna d’onore” for the king and the queen of Italy who had come for the opening of the Fair. In 1927 he had been the Director of the building of The Pavilion of the “Governatorato di Roma” designed by his colleague Felice Nori for the first Trade Fair in Tripoli. Thanks to the success achieved with the Pavilion of the “Governatorato di Roma” Limongelli became so well-known that he was appointed Art Consultant and Member of the Building Commission of Tripoli. The most successful building he designed was the Grand Hotel in Cirene. In the Italian Academic world he had already been in high consideration for his Projects for Monuments in honor of the Heroes of the First World War.
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Other from “Storia dell’Urbanistica, 6/2014”
Stefania Aldini
The Cité moderne, social hygiene and a memorable partnership: the International Urban Exposition in 1914 in Lyon
Federica Angelucci
Il Concorso nazionale di architettura per l’Expo del 1911: sistemazioni urbane e testimonianze edilizie nella zona d’espansione oltre il Tevere e nei Prati di Castello